Friday, June 12, 2009

Preserving Sanity 2009

If you look at all the little tidbits that are along the right side of the page, you  will notice that I have removed last years list of preserved goodness. I have begun keeping track of what I preserve this year.  There is still a fair number of jars on the shelf from last year.  Plenty of applesauce and jam, a few jars of beets that I will roast up soon ( I promise) and plenty of famine food:) and other pickles.

This year I want to be more diligent about keeping track of all the other things I keep.  I dehydrate a lot of herbs and some veggies. Since I will not be canning fiddleheads this  year I will have more room to keep jars of dried veggies on the shelf.  We had pretty good luck with all the dried  zucchini from last year.  We used it in soups and homemade pizza last winter and it held up pretty well. So perhaps, I will branch out with some other veggies that I would normally can.  

I also freeze some veggies and fruit. We are still eating some raspberries I picked from our property last year.  I used cranberries that we picked from the wild to make chutney this week; freeing up valuable freezer space for the coming strawberry season.  We might get a piggy. There may be big changes coming for us soon and we are not sure we can commit to a pig yet but a friend's sow had a litter a little while ...maybe...


Kathy said...

Big changes? That could be good. Or bad. Better be good. ;)

Wendy said...

We're looking for a pig, too, but I think I may have overestimated how much freezer space we have. The eight broilers we took in a couple of weeks ago fill one shelf, we have ten more outside, and I ordered another twelve. I'm pretty sure twenty-six chickens - plus any pork we might find and the beef we still have - won't fit.

What do you think? Time for a bigger freezer ?? :)

Changes? Good stuff, I hope ;).

Fleecenik Farm said...

I can't say much about the changes yet. But if it works out it will be better for our family.

As to the freezer space. It is tough. W borrow ed a freezer from a neighbor last year to keep overflow meat but it jacked the electric bill up there for a couple of months. But I like having the pork around we save a lot of money because we butcher the pig ourselves.