Saturday, September 19, 2009


This is a short thankyou to all you kind readers for your encouragement and kind words about our impending change. It is so nice to hear the positive words. My hope for the blog is that our small solar system will allow me to write the posts for this blog and then post them online at the local library. Most libraries in Maine have wireless internet. We definitely plan to document our trials, tribulations and grand successes.



Robj98168 said...

I so enjoy reading about your homesteasding and learn so much from you. Hope you can continue to post!

Wendy said...

Well, I should hope you would keep us up-to-date .... ;) Just kidding.

Seriously, though, while I do not believe that my family will ever have the chance to move to off-the-grid living in a wonderful little cabin in the woods, but I do hope that we'll, eventually, be able to convert our suburban home into an off-the-grid house, and I'm depending on learning as much as I can from you about your transition so that when the time comes for me to have a similar experience, I'll have your experience to show me what worked well and what didn't ;).

I know - I'm such a mooch, eh?